Adding videos to your WordPress site can be a great way to engage your audience and add visual interest. You can add videos in a number of ways, depending on the type of video you want to add and how you want it to appear on your site. In this post, we’ll show you how to add videos from a variety of sources, including YouTube and self-hosted files.

Benefits of Adding Videos to WordPress

Adding videos to your WordPress website can have a number of benefits. For one, it can help improve your site’s SEO. Videos can also serve as a great form of content, providing visitors with an engaging and visual way to consume your information.

In addition, videos can help boost your conversion rates. Including a video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%, while including one on a product page can increase conversion rates by 96%.

Whether you’re looking to improve your SEO, add more engaging content, or boost your conversion rates, adding videos to WordPress is a great solution. In this post, we’ll show you how to easily add videos to WordPress, without having to code or hire a developer.

So, whether you are a beginner or a pro, you should be able to follow these instructions and add videos to your WordPress blog. Let’s get started!

How to Add Videos to WordPress

  • Visit the YouTube link you wish to embed first, then copy it.
youtube link copy
  • or, You can also right-click on the video and choose “Copy Video URL,” as shown in the image below.
copy video url
  • Alternatively, you can click the Share button.
YouTube Video link share

The YouTube Video link will be in the next window that pops up. Now, copy the URL onto your clipboard.

YouTube Video link


You can also begin the video at any point in time. Just let the video play for as long as you need to and then click the checkbox in the bottom left corner after you hit “share.”

1. Add Inline Video to WordPress

Visit the blog post where you wish to embed the video after copying the URL, and then paste it where it belongs. The video will be immediately embedded in the blog post as a result.

Inline Video to WordPress

2. Embed Video Using the Default Editor

Video Block Method:

– To add a video to your WordPress site, start by opening the default editor by clicking on the “Add Media” button in the editor toolbar.

– When you click on “Add Media,” you’ll see a list of all the different media types that you can add to your post: images, audio files, videos, and galleries. Click on “Videos” at the bottom of this list to open up your media library.

Video Block Method
Video Block Method

-Once you’ve selected a video from your library, click on “Insert into Post.” You should see an overlay box that contains options for playing your video from within WordPress or linking it externally through YouTube or Vimeo (or other similar services). If you want to link to an external URL—for example, if you’ve uploaded a video using YouTube’s API—click on “Insert into Post.” It will insert an appropriate link directly into your post without copying or pasting anything manually yourself! See the Snapshot below.

insert video using YouTube link

Youtube Block Method:

-To add a new block, click the “+” symbol and choose the block for your video service provider. In this instance, we will use YouTube.

Youtube Block Method

-This will allow access to YouTube. Copy the link and paste it into the box provided to embed the video.

Youtube embed link

HTML Block Method:

-Although WordPress already contains blocks for some video providers, you won’t need this option to include videos on your site all the time. The videos can be included as HTML scripts.

-Obtain the embed code from the video you wish to embed. In the case of YouTube, you can use the Share function. Then Select Embed.

HTML Block Method

-When you select this option, another popup with the video and embed code appears. Take the embed code from this page.

embed video copy

-Return to your page editor and click the “+” icon to add a new block. Choose the custom HTML block. If you can’t find the option, simply type words into the search bar, and it will appear.

custom HTML block

-Insert the embed code into the block. This will include the video in your post or page.

Insert the embed code

-Finally, click the preview button to see how it will appear.

How to Add Videos to WordPress Share on X

Embed Video Using the Classic Editor (Method 1)

  • Click Add Media on the left-hand side of your post editor.
Add Media in classic editor
  • Click the Video tab and choose where you want to get the video from. Upload it from your computer, or paste in a link from YouTube (or any other video site).
insert from url in classic editor
  • Click the Insert into Post button, and you’ve added your video!

Method 2- How to Embed Video Using the Classic Editor

Steps to insert a video in the classic editor

  • Copy the video’s embed code.
  • In the classic editor, click the ‘Text’ tab.
How to Embed Video Using the Classic Editor
  • Insert the embed code.
  • View the changes in the Visual tab.
Insert the embed code in classic editor

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I add Youtube videos to WordPress?

To add Youtube videos, you need first to upload the video to YouTube and then copy the URL of that video into your post or page. You can also use a plugin to help you do this.

What kind of video can I upload on my WordPress?

You can upload just about any type of video file onto your site, whether it’s an MP4 or a WMV. If you’re using a third-party service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia to host your videos, you’ll need to save them as MP4s before uploading them to WordPress. They will play back as smoothly as possible on all devices.
Can I embed videos from other websites to WordPress?
Yes, but only if they allow embedding. If they don’t allow embedding, then you can still link directly to the file instead of embedding it in your post or page with just one click!


If you have already created your blog or website, adding video is the next logical step to increase traffic. There are several ways how to add videos to your site. You can use a video service like YouTube or Vimeo or add video directly from your video camera or your computer. The method you choose will depend mainly on the purpose of your business and what you intend to accomplish with it.

Read Also: How To Change Permalinks In WordPress

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