Are you Taking Advantage of Everything Facebook has to Offer?

Do you know how to promote your blog post on Facebook? Share on X

How do you get People to Read your Blog?

Most readers find your blog through SEO and social media. One of the best things you can do is to promote your blog post on Facebook.

promote your blog post on facebook

Why Promote your Blog on Facebook?

Facebook has almost 2 billion active users in the world. It’s tempting to think that everyone who is using Facebook simply wants to share photos of their children, but that’s not the only use for Facebook.

Facebook is a great way to promote your blog or business, both organically and through paid advertising. But as a blogger or business owner, you have to follow some best practices in order to get the most out of social media.

Create a Clickable Headline/Text

Facebook users spend about 20 minutes on average on Facebook during a visit, so make sure your headline is clickable. Let’s use this article as an example, “How to Promote your Blog Post on Facebook”. What is a potential post and headline?

  • Where can you Promote your Latest Blog Post? Here are our tips to promote your blog post on Facebook (link to article)
  • Facebook Blog Promotion: You aren’t doing it right! Here are some ways to promote your blog post on Facebook without being spammy (link to article)
  • Are you struggling with getting readers to your blog? Here are some simple ways to promote your blog post on Facebook (link to article)

Lack the creativity needed to create clickable headline? CoSchedule has a great headline analyzer that can help you create interesting headlines.

Create an Eye-Catching Graphic

Graphics will get readers to click your post more times than not having any graphics. Create a simple graphic that is 472x394 pixels. Canva has graphics in this size already created - simply choose to create a Facebook post and the size is set for you. Your graphics can include a heading and subheading, along with an eye-catching image.

Work with the Facebook Algorithms 

Facebook is notorious for changing their algorithms often, so don’t despair if you think you’ve figured out how to get your posts in front of people and then all of a sudden the number of views decreases.

Here are some tips for what is currently working:

  • Facebook likes to promote their latest and greatest tools. Right now this is the Facebook Live posts. Consider making a Facebook Live video about your post and then publish it when you are done. I’ve seen Facebook Live posts that reach more than 10X the number of page followers, so this is a great tool.
  • Post via Instagram. Facebook owns Instagram and posts that are set to automatically post to Facebook from your Instagram profile get more views than those that are natively published on Facebook.
  • Consider adding hashtags. Posts with hashtags are outperforming those without. The caveat is that the hashtag has to be aligned with your brand. You can also use hashtags that are currently trending or brand hashtags if they are appropriate. For example, if you are posting about sports, adding a #teamnike might make perfect sense. If you are blogging about WordPress, the #teamnike hashtag is likely to cause confusion, but #WordPress or #facebook might be a small benefit.

Create a Facebook Page for your Blog

Creating a Facebook page for your blog ensures you always have somewhere to promote it. Don’t make it all about you, however. Share posts that are interesting, helpful, or important to your target audience. You can also share your own posts to your personal page in order to increase your reach.

Join Groups in your Niche and Share your Posts

Most groups have sharing days during which you can share your blog post. Join groups in your niche and learn the rules because not following them is a sure way to get booted out of a group. It’s important to note that simply dropping a link and leaving won’t bring you much love. Share your link but you should also peruse the other links and read some that look interesting. Commenting about what you love about other blogger’s articles will make you more memorable in the group since it shows that you aren’t just about spamming the group with your own promotional materials.

Facebook Ads

For as little as $5/day, you can promote your blog to a completely new group of potential readers.

Here are some things to remember if you decide you want to create a Facebook Ad:

  • Target your audience through interests and demographics.
  • Run 48-hour ad testing in order to see if the audience you think is your target audience actually is.
  • Insert the Facebook pixel so you can retarget those who don’t follow through.
  • Make sure the copy on your ad and landing page is interesting and clickable.

Write a Variety of Post Topics

Are you only sharing your blog posts on your page? Facebook considers that to be kind of one sided and not interesting to your readers. Consider sharing other content as well as your own for higher engagement.

It’s also a great idea to ask questions so your readers post in the comments. The more comments, the more people your post will be shared with.

Are you Ready to Promote your Blog Post on Facebook?

Promoting your blog is necessary if you want anyone to read it. There are a number of places you can share information, but learning how to promote your blog post on Facebook is a simple and inexpensive way to increase your page views.


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