What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open source for CMS or Content Management System. In was started in the year 2003 and was popularly utilized as a blogging system to make the printing styles, fonts as well as styles of daily writing. At this level, the number of users was extremely restricted. At this point in time this has grown tremendously and is considered to be the most popular CMA utilized the world over. It has made to such as extent that the use is no longer limited to a blogging tool, but it is able to feature a number of many other themes as well.

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What Exactly WordPress Is?

WordPress is made on a general-purpose scripting language known as PHP that aids in generating efficient web pages, and also a database management system known as MySOL. Based on its wide popularity, WP is now accessible with a wide selection of plugins, themes as well as widgets. With the development of technology, WP has also joined the bandwagon and it now provides what is called as WordPress Themes. It’s a tailor-made for on the go clients who will find it all at her or his fingertips.

 A WordPress Theme can be considered as a “skin” that is utilized for your website. Normally a “skin” will just change the style of your website; on the other hand WP Themes will take you lots of steps further. Its offers you further control on how you would want your website to look and it will provide you a more features for presentation material for your site. WordPress Themes take account of a number of files known as template files that will aid you to easily develop your website’s graphical interface. WP Themes aid you to alter how the site will be displayed without altering or modifying the primary files. WordPress Themes could include template files, image files, style sheets, codes files, custom pages and so much more.

Why Use WordPress?

First and foremost, it is free. Though there are lots of extra features that need payment, the fundamentals are all integrated through WordPress. When you’re on a tight budget or just want a space of your own with no commitments or frills, WP will work for you. But, this doesn’t mean that WP cannot be a tough tool for the advanced website designers.

There are other reasons why you must use WordPress including:

  • WP is an open source program. Meaning, lots of people all over the world are continuously working on it.  The fact that WP is a low cost service, this is extremely beneficial to business owners as WordPress provides lots of valuable services all in single program.
  • WordPress is easy to learn and use. You don’t have to be a professional to update your blog or website. This is why a lot of companies use WordPress to share their information and news online.
  • WordPress makes it easier and simple to add blogs on your website. It can be setup on your own site’s server or by means of WP web hosting. The thought of starting as well as keeping a blog could be demanding to a lot of business owners; however, WP makes it simpler to create a blog. Quit utilizing confusing blogging sites, if you can easily utilize WordPress.
  • WordPress provides customization tools with lots of site and blog themes to select from. Gone are the days where altering your site’s look took hours. WP makes it simpler to customize your site or blog as fast as frequent as you want.
  • WordPress also has the capability to setup plug-ins. WordPress plug-ins let business owners to put in all kinds of things to their blog and site as maps, pictures, apps and much more. All these are easy to setup with WordPress. There’s no need to spend money on a website programmer if you can use WordPress low cost tools.
  • WP is a Content Management System meaning that your business could utilize WP to collaborate data and information. This makes it simple to share information in the whole company. Things will get done quickly and there’ll be less confusion.
  • Search Engine loves WP as it is SEO friendly. WordPress is made in a way that makes websites and blogs easier to find on Google and other search engines. WordPress has a way of mechanically announcing new content. This also helps company owners make well made blogs as well as websites. This is vital to keeping good search engine rankings.
  • WordPress is safe to utilize. In a time wherein internet safety is often subjected, company owners might be wary concerning online safety. WordPress provides easy to setup plug-ins which will make your blog or website safer.
  • WordPress sites and blogs have accessibility, meaning that anyone could access your blog or site, this is because of WP. WordPress makes it simple to see your information on any laptop, in any state, and on any tool! As technology develops and changes, this is vital for business owners.

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Who Uses WordPress?

WordPress is accessible for use for all. There are no restrictions to who can utilize it and you can register many diverse WP accounts. If you would want to start 5 blogs or web pages, you can do that without any problem. It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or a professional in the website design or building world, it offers guides as well as tutorials that could help you maximize web space.

How to Begin Using WordPress?

How to start using WP is so easy. Just visit the website and register for an account. You’ll be prompted to enter certain details and then will be asked what you would like your site or blog to be called.

Upon entering that information you’ll be given your URL that will read (the name you entered followed by WordPress.com. You’ll then be capable of working through the backend of your site and begin creating on your web space by choosing a template as well as color theme.

In plain terms, WordPress (WP) is simply the top free platform upon which one can create
fantastic fully-featured websites or blogs of any size (best among both free or paid solutions). 

Learn more about WordPress here.
***Gain more insight about how to install WordPress & your options.***

Yea, sure, WordPress is easy to setup but can be very time consuming to master indeed. Here is some help to know the nuances between WordPress (the .ORG version) and WordPress (the .COM version) here.

Here are some examples along with HOW it works at WP Website Help.
Here are a few FAQ’s & our about us.

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