WordPress Admin Login
Yeah, I know; just go to your WordPress Login page and enter your username and password, and you’re in.
Yes, you’re correct. Interestingly, that’s among the quick and easy ways to log in to your WordPress site.
Some situations like a forgotten password may defile the conventional way of Login into your WordPress site. In the matter of urgency, you should have alternatives to go around it.
Aside from the norm, this article will show you The Quick and Easy Ways to Login to Your WordPress Site. Let’s roll.
The Quick and Easy Way to log in to Your WordPress Site
One of the quick and easy ways to login to your WordPress site is via:
- Username and Password;
- Hosting control panel;
- Social media handles;
- Google accounts;
- Apple account;
- Request Login links.
The following will be blocking out unauthorized login via 2-factor authentication.
#1. Username and Password;
Who doesn’t know your username; password and login method? I bet you do. This method is pretty straightforward. However, for clarity purposes, do the following:
- In your browser, enter www.examplesite.com/wp-admin
- Enter your username and password.
- Click Login. You’re in.
Check out the box for “Remember Me” to avoid repeating the login process.
You’ll need to provide the login details if you clear your cookies. To be on the safe side, write down your password in a safe book or save it in a private folder.
#2. Control panel;
Another easy way to log in to your WordPress account is by using a third-party hosting service like cPanel. The idea is to have access to the control panel features that will enable you to handle your website settings.
You’ll link your WordPress account with the cPanel software, this will grant you access to your WordPress control panel. When you’re inside your site control panel, you’re inside your WordPress site already.
The process of logging into your WordPress site via a control panel may vary due to the application involved. However, it’s easy and navigational.
#3. Social media handles;
Linking your social media accounts to your WordPress site saves too much to be remembered. You can access your WordPress Account by Linking your Google, Facebook, and Twitter profile. This will pave a smooth entry when you want to enter your WordPress site using any of the logged-in accounts.
A sweet catch is, WordPress doesn’t have this feature inbuilt. You enforce it by using Plugins. There are tons of plugins as we know.
Permit me to recommend a few:
- Nextend Social Login
- AccessPress Social Login Lite
- WooCommerce Social Login
- Super Socializer
- miniOrange Social Login
- Ultimate Membership Pro, etc.
How to link your Social Media to WordPress
It’s easy, let’s roll:
PS: these are concluded steps:
See the step-by-step method here.
- Install the WordPress Social Login Plugin;
- Configure the plugin;
- Enable the Social Networks.
#4. Google accounts;
It’s a walk in the park. While you’re given the login options, simply Select login with Google accounts. That’s all.
This is a more easy way to access your WordPress account without having to think about your password’s missing characters and cases.
Don’t get it twisted with logging into WordPress via social login plugins. The difference is that one is enforced using a plugin while the latter is an available option to log in with.
When you select the continue with Google option, you’ll be prompted for a username and password. If you are already logged in, you’ll be redirected to your WordPress site.
#5. Apple account;
On the same spot where you see “Continue with Google”, you should see “Continue with Apple.” It’s believed by users to be the easiest way to log in to your account.
Just like the Continue with Google login pattern, your Apple ID will be requested. If you’re already logged in, you’ll have an automatic redirect to your WordPress account.
#6. Request Login links.
One of the quick and easiest ways to log in to your WordPress site is the “Email me a login Link” option.
After you’ve selected this option, provide a working email address to which you’ll receive the login link. Wait a few seconds, and here it is. Open the email, and click the link. You’re in.
Protecting Unauthorized WordPress Login via the 2-factor Authentication
With the number of fraud stars and hackers on the loose, it’s only reasonable that you protect yourself from malicious attacks and detrimental exploits from hackers.
With the Two-Factor authentication(2FA) login method, your WordPress logins have never been safer.
If by chance hackers succeed at accurately guessing or stealing your login password, they’ll still need a code from your phone to access your site.
Here is how to set the two-factor authentication on your WordPress site:
- Login to your dashboard
- Click the profile icon
- Select Security
- Select “Two-step authentication
- Between Set up using apan p and Set up using SMS:
Set Up Using App:
Temporarily disable the firewall and AdBlock for this process to be successful. Then do the following:
- Use your preferred two-factor authentication app. Examples: Google Authenticator, Authy, or Duo;
- Select your country and provide your mobile phone number. Don’t include country codes, no spaces, and dashes.
- Click Verify via the App;
- Scan the QR code that will appear on the app. A 6-digit number will appear;
- Enter the code in the space provided
- Click Enable.
- Click All finished.
Always print a backup code. It’s your one chance of accessing your account if your device should go missing.
Set Up Using SMS:
- Enter your phone number
- Click Verify via SMS, you’ll receive a 7-digit codes
- Enter the code in the blank space. Again, make sure to generate Backup codes for the same reasons as earlier stated.
- Click Enable.
Frequently Asked Questions
The best WordPress 2-factor authentication Plugins include:
Google Authenticator;
Duo Two-Factor Authentication;
Two Factor Authentication;
Clef Two-Factor Authentication;
5 WP Simple Firewall;
Rublon Account Security: Two-Factor Auth+;
Wordfence Security;
iThemes Security Pro.
I strongly recommend that you write your WordPress in a safe book or a safe device before now. But now you’re here, do the following:
You can’t retrieve a lost password, you can only reset it.
Click the “Forgot password” on your Login page;
Provide the email address you wish to have your password reset
Wait for it, here comes the email.
Open and reset. your password. This time write it down in a safe.
Wrapping it Up
The account is yours when you can log in at will. You should be flexible at logging into your WordPress Account at any time. Good thing is, this article has brought you quick and easy ways to log in to your WordPress site.
However, you’re not the only one who wishes to own your account, the hackers are trying their best; code-guessing, and brute-forcing malware that may probably get to your account.
Frustrate their efforts in utilizing the 2FA login method. This way, your website is secured from external aggression and malicious attacks from hackers.
Even at their Successful guessing, they will need an OTP from your phone for access.
Read Also: Easiest Ways to Recover Your Lost WordPress Password
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Debashrita @ The WP Website Help Team