Bounce Rates – A term to be feared or embraced?
Bounce rates. This is a term that can either strike fear into the hearts of many or be the cause of much bragging. Thought of as a metric to measure a site’s success in reaching its target audience, it is not always clear what factors contribute to the final value. In today’s post, we take a look at bounce rates and how different factors play into the final result.
How to Measure Your Content Marketing Effectiveness
In today’s post we look at how to determine your content marketing effectiveness to see if your marketing strategy is working for you.
Branding vs. Marketing – Understanding The Difference
Branding and marketing are seen by many as different words to describe the exact same thing. However, these terms are not the same and actually describe two very different concepts. In today’s post we explore the difference between these two terms.
Chatbots – The Next Piece of Your Content Marketing Strategy
The term “chatbot” may be new to you, but chances are you have already encountered this technology a time or two. In today’s post, we examine how chatbots can help improve your marketing strategy.
Converting Trial Users into Loyal Paying Customers
Companies understand this and have learned that by allowing large groups to try their product for free, they can convert at least a portion of that group into buyers.